I called about that conversation that I had with you last night
It must have been a combination of shooters and neon lights
And I didn't really mean to say
I've been losing it since you left
Yeah I may have said the words, but they came from somewhere else
It was just the tequila talkin'
When I told you I'm still not over you
I get a little sentimental when I've had one or two
And that tear in my eye was the salt and the lime
Not the memory of you walkin'
wearing - vestindo
those - essa
there - há
still - ainda
little - pequeno
responsible - responsável
cuervo - cuervo
usually - geralmente
things - coisas
conversation - conversação
tequila - tequila
combination - combinação
right - certo
about - sobre
night - noite
words - palavras
lights - luzes
anything - qualquer coisa
dress - vestir
called - chamado
shooters - atiradores
losing - perdendo
since - desde a
memory - memória
really - realmente
somewhere - algum lugar
scene - cena
seeing - vendo
drove - dirigiu
sentimental - sentimental
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