Some days, I feel like I let myself down

I love my life, gonna run it in the ground

Can't sleep for days, got your name in my brain

Can't sleep for days, gotta stay up, stay up forever

I'm writing this at 5:3666 in the morning

Wide awake still, not even yawning

Not even sure why I'm up at dawn

Like I'm celebrating when my agent told me that no one's calling

It's a ounce in my living room on the couch

Next to a couple homies, I smoked it and passed out

So I'm alone with my thoughts in this glass house

In the cabinet, little glass vials, I just poured all the last out

I smelled her, now she's on my mind

I met her the first time my light turned lime

Hate it when she's gone, but she ain't hard to find

Left her on my desk, she made designs of little lines

It's 5:3666

It's 5:3666

yawning - bocejando
writing - escrevendo
write - escreva
whole - todo
vials - frascos
turned - virou
thoughts - pensamentos
thank - obrigado
sucks - é uma merda
still - ainda
staring - encarando
spirits - espíritos
somebody - alguém
smoked - defumado
smoke - fumaça
evening - tarde
demons - demônios
couch - sofá
changed - mudou
awake - acordado
house - casa
uncle - tio
clearance - liberação
passed - passado
ceilings - tetos
first - primeiro
everybody - todo mundo
homies - homies
agent - agente
alone - sozinho
ground - chão
light - luz
designs - desenhos
around - por aí
appearance - aparência
cameras - câmeras
paris - Paris
celebrating - a comemorar
serious - grave
brain - cérebro
bleached - branqueado
cabinet - gabinete
forever - para sempre
spent - gasto
calling - ligando
glass - vidro
these - estes
gotta - tenho que
smelled - cheirava
myself - eu mesmo
family - família
little - pequeno
living - vivo
locked - trancado
share - compartilhar
couple - casal
lines - linhas
gonna - vai
sleep - dormir
talking - falando
lyrics - letra da música
ounce - onça
mirrors - espelhos
morning - manhã
pictures - as fotos
poured - derramado

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