But one day the light of unwords
crept into their lair...
a pale gaze, a shivering embrace
and suddenly, the stake... the end...
Vesmiah and Tyll
Under the shroud, no aristocrat's crown
once the torment of death was unleashed
within - dentro
wasteland - terra desolada
unleashed - desencadeada
whispers - sussurros
under - sob
unbridled - desenfreado
winds - ventos
suddenly - de repente
silence - silêncio
their - deles
embrace - abraço
dreams - sonhos
again - novamente
satin - cetim
torment - tormento
crown - coroa
rivers - rios
words - palavras
crept - rastejou
cruellest -
autumn - outono
stake - estaca
another - outro
bound - limite
until - até
finally - finalmente
leaves - sai
light - luz
summons - convocação
sleepwalking - sonambulismo
death - morte
hearts - corações
shroud - mortalha
herald - arauto
looms - teares
pages - páginas
scarred - cicatrizado
shivering - tremendo
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