There’s laughter in the darkness
Music floating in across the bay
He’s half listening and wondering
How he could have let her slip away
So long ago but still he wants to know
If anyone has seen her
And he’s sitting out in the night
Looking down upon the lights of Taormina
They were young and love was shining
Like the colours of the rainbow
Desire felt like choking
Love was smoking under the volcano
He can still taste her kisses
Sweet as the red wine from Messina
Now he’s sitting out in the night
Looking down upon the lights of Taormina
wondering - perguntando
women - mulheres
wants - quer
volcano - vulcão
voices - vozes
under - sob
there - há
wanderer - vagabundo
taste - gosto
still - ainda
spartan - espartano
sweet - doce
smoking - fumando
sitting - sentado
sicily - Sicília
shore - costa
floating - flutuando
ships - navios
forever - para sempre
desire - desejo
another - outro
could - poderia
conquered - conquistada
ancient - antigo
thing - coisa
across - através
along - ao longo
antiquity - antiguidade
colours - cores
shining - brilhando
crowd - multidão
seems - parece
hands - mãos
arena - Arena
hears - ouve
their - deles
anyone - alguém
emperor - imperador
thousand - mil
calls - chamadas
listening - ouvindo
music - música
young - jovem
never - nunca
dreams - sonhos
choking - sufocando
chimes - carrilhões
history - história
darkness - trevas
laughter - riso
lights - luzes
raise - levantar
senor - senhor
lifetime - tempo de vida
looking - olhando
mystery - mistério
maybe - talvez
mists - névoas
night - noite
myths - mitos
roared - rugiu
pathway - caminho
kisses - beijos
rainbow - arco iris
rambled - divagou
ringing - toque
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