A room on the top floor

And the chest all but knackered

Two fingers not working

And the back’s shot to hell

It’s a lifetime of digging trenches

In the cold and wet weather

And for laying half the roadway

In England as well

You’d finish in the one place

It was straight to the next one

And you never could settle

And you were always alone

Just a drifter in limbo

I was best off away, son

Just one of the thousands

wouldn - wouldn
worst - pior
women - mulheres
alone - sozinho
hated - odiou
lodgings - alojamentos
heath - charneca
finish - terminar
weather - clima
fingers - dedos
horseback - a cavalo
mighty - poderoso
fairground - emberek együtt
accordion - acordeão
laying - deitado
drifter - vagabundo
taproom - sala da torneira
boxing - boxe
dance - dança
chair - cadeira
round - volta
charm - charme
knackered - engajado
digging - escavação
chest - peito
always - sempre
working - trabalhando
england - inglaterra
could - poderia
leaving - deixando
lifetime - tempo de vida
remember - lembrar
limbo - limbo
teeth - dentes
never - nunca
floor - chão
november - novembro
straight - direto
place - lugar, colocar
roadway - estrada
settle - resolver
misty - misty
singing - cantando
stand - ficar de pé
thousands - milhares
closed - fechadas
trenches - trincheiras
their - deles
train - trem
until - até

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