Stranger in a foreign land
I reach for you to take my hand
Torn inside I give the best i can
Crave to feel and throw the dice
We'll make another sacrifice
Bring me the light, show me paradise
Forever fighting in this shadow land
Come wind, rise fire
Cool wind, warm fire
Inspire me to live
Cold rock I know you
From my years of pain
I must find my strength again
And the story will be told
After life has been broken
My voice will return
Melting the steel, close to the sun
Dreaming away from this nightmare
A digital world where everyone feeds on lies
Falling from grace, the human race
Religion can never unite us
Only a few will stay on the barricades
When the news are heard
world - mundo
where - onde
warrior - guerreiro
wanted - procurado
voice - voz
unite - unir
throw - lançar
strength - força
story - história
steel - aço
soaring - subindo
shadow - sombra
turning - giro
stranger - desconhecido
sending - enviando
return - retorna
remember - lembrar
religion - religião
reach - alcance
prepare - preparar
nightmare - pesadelo
melting - fusão
waits - espera
dreaming - sonhando
close - fechar
inside - dentro
welcome - bem vinda
destiny - destino
darkness - trevas
enemy - inimigo
surrender - entrega
escape - escapar
change - mudança
demon - demônio
never - nunca
broken - partido
after - depois de
heard - ouviu
human - humano
death - morte
everyone - todos
again - novamente
fallen - caído
fight - luta
holiness - santidade
alone - sozinho
light - luz
always - sempre
bring - trazer
heaven - céu
create - crio
other - de outros
black - preto
about - sobre
years - anos
below - abaixo
another - outro
feeds - feeds
barricades - barricadas
strong - forte
sacrifice - sacrifício
paradise - paraíso
forever - para sempre
falling - queda
fighting - combate
digital - digital
foreign - estrangeiro
fragment - fragmento
crave - almejar
grace - graça
blind - cego
melody - melodia
illusions - ilusões
heart - coração
heavy - pesado
inspire - inspirar
returning - retornando
madness - loucura
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