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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música The Maze - Michael Schulte

The Maze - Michael Schulte

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Oh If I listen to my heart,

Will it lead me through the dark like a compass?

And if I listen to my heart,

Will it bring a little spark to this cold blood?

Uh uh uhh uh uh uh uhhhhh,

Yeah I'm lost, lost,

Uh uh uhh uh uh uh uhhhhh,

But I won't stop, no I won't stop, no no.

I will find my place,

Yeah I will fight my way,

Through the maze,

Through the maze,

Through the maze.

These walls are filled with rage,

But I will fight my way,

Through the maze,

Through the maze,

Through the maze.

My world is breaking, now I'm shakin,

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