Scanning the stars at night
An infinity in inches contained
Feelin like nobody knows you
Sometimes you wanna shout out your name
Sisters scorned
Brothers worn
Lonely pain is harder to mend
Flora tall
Fauna small
Get you on your feet again
So lean a little on your friends
They will carry you
Shelter from the stormy nights
Lean a little on your friends
They will guide you through
You know you’re gonna be alright
Lookin at all we’ve lost
All the pain that livin’ hard can bring
When we are together yeah
We can take on anyone anything
weary - cansado
wanna - quero
voices - vozes
vengeance - vingança
understand - compreendo
guide - guia
harder - mais difíceis
gonna - vai
friends - amigos
flora - flora
stormy - tormentoso
feelin - sentindo
freak - aberração
wasted - desperdiçado
fauna - fauna
knows - sabe
floor - chão
contained - contido
while - enquanto
scanning - digitalização
anyone - alguém
anything - qualquer coisa
livin - vivendo
always - sempre
night - noite
again - novamente
helping - ajudando
shelter - abrigo
sisters - irmãs
cause - causa
bitter - amargo
carry - levar
tired - cansado
alright - bem
punching - perfuração
small - pequeno
brothers - irmãos
inches - polegadas
infinity - infinidade
metaphor - metáfora
together - juntos
literally - literalmente
scorned - desprezado
around - por aí
lonely - solitário
nobody - ninguém
roots - raízes
shout - gritar
sometimes - as vezes
stars - estrelas
little - pequeno
bring - trazer
lookin - olhar dentro
nights - noites
through - através
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