Khajiit like to sneak

Maneuver silken and sleek

The darkest corners we seek

In the night

So feline and fair

From the sands of Elsweyr

And through our glistening stare

Perfect sight

Don't leave your treasures ignored

Get bigger bolts on your doors

And tougher locks on your drawers

Watch the street

You see the stealth is an art

Pick your tumblers apart

windows - janelas
while - enquanto
treasures - tesouros
through - através
things - coisas
streets - ruas
feline - felino
paranoid - paranóico
relieving - aliviando
doors - portas
guild - guild
drawers - gavetas
dispersed - disperso
rocks - pedras
darkest - mais escuro
glistening - brilhando
curse - maldição
bigger - maior
avoid - evitar
boulders - pedregulhos
bleak - sombrio
bolts - parafusos
corners - cantos
apart - separados
replete - repleto
street - rua
frozen - congeladas
cities - cidades
tougher - mais difícil
throughout - ao longo
jewels - jóias
shade - sombra
ignored - ignorado
tumblers - tumblers
leave - sair
every - cada
coming - chegando
sands - areias
locks - fechaduras
peaks - picos
maneuver - manobra
stealth - furtividade
afraid - receoso
never - nunca
purse - bolsa
night - noite
outsmart - mais esperto
perfect - perfeito
watch - assistir
quietest - mais quieto
sight - vista
silken - seda
sneak - esgueirar-se
sleek - lustroso
stare - olhar fixamente
stick - bastão
stolen - roubado

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