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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Purple Like the Summer Rain - MØ

Purple Like the Summer Rain - MØ

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Take me all the way to California

They'll be making hits on every corner

We are gon' be happy, yeah, I promise ya

We can keep it up with California, ya

Making money grow

'Cause baby you and I, we fly (Fly)

Like leaves in the blue sky (Sky)

This is what I wanted all my life, no one can take it, no

Pour me all the wine and let me picture that I made it, oh

This is what a universal fairy tale is made of

Sugar in my veins

Sugar in my veins

This is what I wanted, don't stop

Playing with the old stars above

This is what a universal fairy tale is made of

Sugar in my veins

Purple like the summer rain

Purple like the summer rain

Purple like the summer rain

Purple like the summer rain

Purple like the summer rain

California, you're aware that everybody wants ya, yeah

Just like my old crush, yeah, he was something else

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