I need you simple words
But words which had never been heard
By the soul, stoned to death
But still living
And so he froze where he stood
And he looked to the ground
And he cried, he cried
Ride our minds if you must
But there's always a line you don't cross
words - palavras
stood - ficou
ground - chão
death - morte
power - poder
stoned - apedrejado
saying - dizendo
survive - sobreviver
froze - congelou
without - sem
cruel - cruel
still - ainda
cross - cruz
living - vivo
short - curto
feelings - sentimentos
always - sempre
where - onde
blood - sangue
looked - olhou
cried - chorou
which - qual
heard - ouviu
minds - mentes
never - nunca
could - poderia
people - pessoas
simple - simples
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