Nobody gives a damn about anybody else,

Think everyone should feel

The way they feel themselves,

Rich men think that happiness

Is a million dollar bills,

So how come most of them O.D.

On sleeping pills,

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth,

You all know what I mean,

What's the use of a cry for help,

If no one hears the scream,

No one hears the scream,

widow - viúva
voices - vozes
those - essa
single - solteiro
scream - grito
salvation - salvação
themselves - si mesmos
ritual - ritual
preachers - pregadores
sleeping - dormindo
politicians - políticos
remembrance - lembrança
pills - pílulas
murderers - assassinos
nobody - ninguém
million - milhão
dedicate - dedicar
hears - ouve
worst - pior
everyone - todos
should - devemos
headstone - lápide
consecrate - consagrar
right - certo
knows - sabe
wrong - errado
learn - aprender
brave - bravo
think - pensar
light - luz
babies - bebês
fight - luta
blinds - persianas
about - sobre
grave - grave
bills - contas
cross - cruz
anybody - qualquer pessoa
dollar - dólar
kissing - se beijando
flags - bandeiras
confusion - confusão
gives - dá
going - indo
tooth - dente
happiness - felicidade

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