Crazy, but that's how it goes

Millions of people living as foes

Maybe it's not too late

To learn how to love, and forget how to hate

Mental wounds not healing

Life's a bitter shame

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

Let's go!

I've listened to preachers

I've listened to fools

troubles - problemas
still - ainda
things - coisas
something - alguma coisa
shame - vergonha
sells - vende
screaming - gritando
wounds - feridas
rules - regras
preachers - pregadores
person - pessoa
people - pessoas
millions - milhões
media - meios de comunicação
words - palavras
driving - dirigindo
rails - trilhos
fools - tolos
dropouts - desistentes
cannot - não podes
gotta - tenho que
crazy - louco
become - tornar-se
inheriting - herdando
watched - assisti
living - vivo
blame - culpa
wrong - errado
train - trem
learn - aprender
control - ao controle
aboard - a bordo
bitter - amargo
forget - esqueço
conditioned - condicionado
listen - ouço
going - indo
heirs - herdeiros
healing - cura
their - deles
mentally - mentalmente
maybe - talvez
insane - insano
mental - mental
listened - ouvido

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