Chuva! chuvinha! vem, vem, vem ca, rapaz!

Chuva! chuvinha! vem, vem, vem ca, rapaz!

This is not political it’s just that I demand attention when I walk into a


And it’s not that I can’t play ball hard it’s just that I don’t want to

And the more I think about this pressure love I don’t want you

And I can’t have you and that’s what hurts the most

I cannot show you these things I boast

I’ll throw my heart out, keep my head up, I cannot fuck up cuz

I got what you need boy (baby I do) but I will only cause you pain, yeah (i

Promise that)

I got what you need boy (baby I do) but I will only bring on the rain

So I’ll prefer to run this road rough around the edges good for something but

Too good to give it to you you run your own course at your own pace but I just

Got impatient see, I wanted to explore forsake you, forsook you, abate you,

Dissipate you so turn fate around, I believed that I was free of you (not)

I still believe in those days on benches at sunset or the waves in july-or

Was it march

We weathered weathers and storms real and imagined, such fragile tenderness

You are truly blessed

weathered - resistiu
wanted - procurado
turned - virou
truly - verdadeiramente
tired - cansado
throw - lançar
thought - pensamento
without - sem
think - pensar
thing - coisa
waves - ondas
these - estes
tenderness - ternura
tears - lágrimas
tastes - gostos
sugar - açúcar
sorry - desculpa
something - alguma coisa
cheaper - mais barato
feigned - fingido
chocolate - chocolate
fragile - frágil
crying - chorando
candy - doces
sweeter - mais doce
about - sobre
attention - atenção
blessed - abençoado
weathers - climas
around - por aí
boast - se vangloriar
believed - acreditava
things - coisas
sweet - doce
course - curso
those - essa
abate - diminuir
storms - tempestades
believe - acreditam
could - poderia
still - ainda
forsook - abandonado
bubble - bolha
benches - bancos
sunset - por do sol
fallin - caindo
remembered - lembrei
stress - estresse
remember - lembrar
boohoo - boohoo
cause - causa
dissipate - dissipar
cannot - não podes
edges - arestas
rough - rude
explore - explorar
weren - weren
imagined - imaginou
bring - trazer
forsake - abandone
gonna - vai
hahahaha - hahahaha
prefer - preferem
heart - coração
demand - exigem
honey - mel
curse - maldição
hurts - Dói
pressure - pressão
drawers - gavetas
impatient - impaciente
promise - promessa
march - marcha
memories - recordações
political - político

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