
Watchin' the world go 'round

World go, yeah (World go 'round)


To unfamiliar feelings and unknown sounds

Unknown sounds, unknown sounds

Slippin' through my fingertips (Ayy), lingerin'

Shoulda, woulda, coulda, where'd I put the pen? (Woah)

Make a list of all my failed attempts

Runnin' out of space again

Highlight all the things I wish I never said (Stop)

If feeling makes you stronger, I'm the weakest

That would mean I would have to separate from my beliefs

It's not a secret, I'm a puzzle, got a lot of missin' pieces

Underneath this strong persona, I put on a kid that's screamin'

Aren't these waters so deceivin'? (So dеceivin')

They look differеnt, don't they?

Well, at least that's how they seem to me

'Cause we just drift and drift and drift

Until we see something that we define as peaceful

Grab the needle, shoot reminders in my veins

That people leave you when I'm driftin'

Watchin' the world go 'round

World go, yeah (World go 'round)

yourself - você mesmo
woulda - woulda
would - seria
worth - que vale a pena
world - mundo
words - palavras
witness - testemunha
weakest - mais fraco
veins - veias
until - até
unrealistic - irrealista
unknown - desconhecido
unfamiliar - desconhecido
train - trem
tracks - trilhas
where - onde
thought - pensamento
ignorance - ignorância
feelings - sentimentos
waters - águas
living - vivo
gives - dá
fingertips - ponta dos dedos
mirror - espelho
faith - fé
every - cada
committed - comprometido
heard - ouviu
failed - falhou
burned - queimou
drifting - à deriva
diversify - diversificar
distant - distante
feeling - sentindo-me
support - apoio, suporte
innocent - inocente
belligerence - beligerância
these - estes
guess - acho
broke - quebrou
definitive - definitivo
highlight - realçar
innovate - inovar
coulda - coulda
breath - respiração
deprived - privado
beliefs - crenças
holding - segurando
distance - distância
renovate - renovar
define - definir
might - poderia
things - coisas
ignorant - ignorante
alive - vivo
drift - deriva
truth - verdade
drive - dirigir
attempts - tentativas
amplified - amplificado
shoulda - shoulda
again - novamente
climb - escalar
mental - mental
collide - colidir
impotent - impotente
wishes - desejos
gossip - fofoca
predict - prever
something - alguma coisa
debated - debatido
afraid - receoso
intensified - intensificado
energy - energia
convinced - convencido
differ - diferem
thinking - pensando
immersed - imerso
insignificant - insignificante
intimidates - запугивает
forward - progressivo
lacked - faltava
through - através
leading - conduzindo
underneath - por baixo
makes - faz com que
different - diferente
leave - sair
needle - agulha
outta - outta
convicted - condenado
peaceful - pacífico
persona - persona
positive - positivo
puzzle - enigma
secret - segredo
questioning - questionando
remain - permanecer
reminders - напоминания
rather - em vez

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