
Crownless again shall be the queen

Trophy on her grave still remains unseen

A boat on the river confessing the sins

The Riddler revealing the deep hidden things

Crownless again shall be the king

A gull covered in oil with a broken wing

A hitcher on a road alone and lost

Iron sharpens iron - a truth that once was

Mine is the Earth and the sword in the stone

truth - verdade
stone - pedra
sleep - dormir
sharpens - aguça
trophy - troféu
sharp - afiado
roaming - roaming
river - rio
riddler - riddler
revealing - revelando
unseen - despercebidas
reflection - reflexão
throne - trono
razor - navalha
queen - rainha
broken - partido
sword - espada
castles - castelos
become - tornar-se
braver - bravo
still - ainda
again - novamente
times - vezes
moment - momento
covered - coberto
worth - que vale a pena
confessing - confessando
remains - permanece
myself - eu mesmo
things - coisas
alone - sozinho
being - ser
grave - grave
begging - implorando
ruling - decisão
crippled - aleijado
shall - deve
dressed - vestido
white - branco
devil - diabo
earth - Terra
fleeting - fugaz
night - noite
fragrant - perfumado
hitcher -
hidden - escondido

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