Part 1

Wish upon a star

Take a step enter the land

Walk through the air

Take my hand

Wishmaster`s will-

Join him the quest for dream

A make-believe

Is all we ever need

Wish upon a star

No matter who you are

The second star to the right

Harbinger`s gate

Beyond the boundaries

Blossom ballet

In the great wide somewhere

Wish upon a star

Believe in will

The realm of the king of fantasy

The master of the tale-like lore

The way to kingdom I adore

Where the warrior`s heart is pure

Where the stories will come true

usurper - usurpador
stories - histórias
sight - vista
sailor - marinheiro
phoenix - fénix
night - noite
spindle - fuso
mountain - montanha
might - poderia
dragon - dragão
black - preto
through - através
beyond - além
white - branco
realm - reino
matter - importam
creek - angra
mountaintop - topo da montanha
agony - agonia
first - primeiro
dance - dança
dooming - dooming
conducting - conduzindo
sleeping - dormindo
aerial - aéreo
fantasy - fantasia
apprentice - aprendiz
fight - luta
awaiting - aguardando
luring - atraindo
adore - adorar
warrior - guerreiro
blossom - flor
swearing - jurando
augury - augúrio
cauldron - caldeirão
belle - belle
quest - busca
betrayed - traiu
enter - entrar
maleficent - maléfico
second - segundo
ballet - balé
master - mestre
succubi - succubi
dream - sonhe
father - pai
believe - acreditam
dreamer - sonhador
beauties - belezas
dying - morrendo
enchantress - feiticeira
right - certo
endures - perdura
forlorn - desamparado
spellbound - fascinado
galaxy - galáxia
where - onde
boundaries - fronteiras
gruesome - horrível
harbinger - prenúncio
great - ótimo
light - luz
heart - coração
masquerade - mascarada
keeper - guardador
somewhere - algum lugar
kingdom - reino
mermaid - sereia

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