In the heart of the night

The shadows in the heart

When friendship grows thin

Are you without dreams within?

Tonight I drew my blood for you

Behold the sorrow and the moon

Darkness will consume everyone of you

Terror and dishonour will see you through

within - dentro
tonight - esta noite
dishonour - desonra
enter - entrar
consume - consumir
shadows - sombras
emptiness - vazio
behold - contemplar
shall - deve
blood - sangue
darkness - trevas
through - através
feast - festa
friendship - amizade
everyone - todos
glistens - brilha
without - sem
happiness - felicidade
grows - cresce
purged - purgado
existence - existência
dreams - sonhos
heart - coração
terror - terror
night - noite
sorrow - tristeza

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