"Bye bye, baby" Cybil says as she walks out the door.
You can bet that Hollywood looks oh-so-good,
much better than it ever has before.
So my pets have left me in search of careers and richer soils,
heading off to pure-bread friends and happy ends
and anything to prove I'm disloyal.
It's not just that I'm selfish and scared,
walks - anda em
unprepared - despreparado
think - pensar
everything - tudo
disloyal - desleal
winter - inverno
lunacy - loucura
selfish - egoísta
careers - carreiras
bread - pão
discontent - descontentamento
search - pesquisa
friends - amigos
anything - qualquer coisa
madmen - homens loucos
before - antes
better - melhor
heading - encabeçando
hollywood - hollywood
looks - parece
soils - solos
richer - mais rico
prove - provar
happy - feliz
scared - assustada
there - há
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