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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Accidental - Olly Murs

Accidental - Olly Murs

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Im always at the place where your friends meet

Its the long way home but I walk your street

And when I trip and fall right at your feet

Its not accidental

I make it feel like luck is in the air

Every time you turn Im standing there

You look into the stars, our names are clear

Its not accidental

And when you get a wrong number

Dont hang up too soon

Stop and wonder

You are the one thats meant for me

Im twisting fate to make believe

Its all accidental

This was always meant to be

When youre in my arms then you will see

It wasnt accidental

I know you like the kind of clothes I wear

Think I threw them on without a care

The styles from a book you read a magazine you left

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