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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Wrapped up - Olly Murs

Wrapped up - Olly Murs

Letras de músicas
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Now excuse if I sound rude

But I love the way that you move

And I see me all over you now

Baby when I look in your eyes

There's no way that I can disguise

All these crazy thoughts in my mind now

There's just something about you

You got the lock

I got the key

You know the rest

You know just where I wanna be

Don't ever stop controlling me

I kinda like it when you bring me to my knees

You got me wrapped up

Around your finger

I'd do anything for your love now

And when you touch it, the feeling lingers

Takes me up so I high I can't come down

You got me wrapped up baby

I don't ever wanna give up

All this spell you got me under

I see fireworks when we touch now

There's just something about you

Your body fits on mine like a glove

Let them say whatever they want

It's too late cause you're in my blood now

You got the lock

I got the key

You know the rest

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