He just falls straight into the afterlife
They took my hood to make me see him pay for
What they call 'crimes', all made up, filthy lies
Sligmatised now and forevermore
…And forevermore
They push me up the steps to the trap door
A shadow lurks on the water tower
They've got three, but miss that we are four
water - agua
yards - jardas
through - através
three - três
thick - grosso
falls - cai
lever - alavanca
falling - queda
bullet - bala
forevermore - para sempre
tower - torre
chance - chance
filthy - sujo
hurls - arremessos
bring - trazer
breath - respiração
hangman - carrasco
afterlife - vida após a morte
light - luz
lurks - esconde
shadow - sombra
throws - lances
night - noite
final - final
praying - rezar
shimmering - cintilante
steps - passos
before - antes
straight - direto
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