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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Horizons - Parkway Drive

Horizons - Parkway Drive

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

So it begins

Our eyes drawn open,

Free from the thought of doubt,

Free from the selfish conflict.

Now blind, listless, ceaseless.

With open arms we stand,

Before the dawn.

The sun seems to have been rising,

Ever since I can recall,

Branding a sense of permanence,

To this lying world.

Your words like icy air,

Your lies like merciless, burning flesh.

To hope for something more,

To dream of substance.

Like a million before us,

Waiting to die.

Like a billion before us,

Waiting to die.

Masochistic to think,

This would be remembered (would be remembered).

Sadistic, perpetuation

Of stagnation.


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