As the belltower blocks the summer light

All the seeds in our garden fight

To break and blossom, all to be adored

And look your skirt is torn

And there's blood on our sheets

Here comes the long arm of the law

Fist tight, banging on the door

And knocking me down on it's way in

And I let him in

As I pass out into a dream

Whooping cranes and wooden beams

Great white wings beating

In an attic, in a house, in the dead of night


Oh, my Augustine, Augustine.

Oh, Is this forever, ever?

worms - worms
weeds - ervas daninhas
wings - asas
whooping - whooping
watering - rega
fight - luta
beams - feixes
cranes - guindastes
curse - maldição
dream - sonhe
comes - vem
wooden - de madeira
clear - claro
bringing - trazendo
adored - adorado
sweet - doce
seeds - sementes
banging - batendo
blocks - blocos
garden - jardim
mother - mãe
augustine - augustine
forever - para sempre
attic - sótão
knocking - batendo
summer - verão
break - pausa
blood - sangue
nurse - enfermeira
cancer - câncer
loving - amoroso
white - branco
tonight - esta noite
beating - espancamento
should - devemos
night - noite
change - mudança
brazen - bronzeado
getting - obtendo
heavy - pesado
tight - justa
blossom - flor
house - casa
singing - cantando
impossible - impossível
knees - joelhos
leave - sair
great - ótimo
light - luz
never - nunca
sheets - folhas
skirt - saia
thinking - pensando
still - ainda
tears - lágrimas

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