Lucy, remember

The smell of that fall

The fires of fungus

And the rotting leaves

I fell off the wagon

Into your arms

Into this long month of Sundays

And you were my husband

My wife, my heroine

Now this is our final December

Now deep in a forest

Losing all though of spring

And nothing can help me remember

through - através
sundays - domingo
wanna - quero
spring - primavera
spinning - fiação
ringing - toque
remember - lembrar
final - final
smell - cheiro
fires - incêndios
river - rio
dream - sonhe
rafters - vigas
garden - jardim
going - indo
rotting - apodrecendo
husband - marido
forest - floresta
after - depois de
sleeping - dormindo
bells - sinos
compass - bússola
rings - argolas
leave - sair
month - mês
wagon - vagão
fungus - fungo
though - apesar
december - dezembro
darker - mais escura
leaves - sai
losing - perdendo
nothing - nada
dreaming - sonhando
phone - telefone
heroine - heroína
nowhere - lugar algum

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