what i feel when i'm playing guitar is completely cold and crazy, like i
don't owe nobody nothing and it's just a test just to see how far i can
relax into the cold wave of a note. when everything hits just right (just
and right) the note of nobility can go on forever. i never tire of the
solitary E and i trust my guitar and i don't care about anything.
sometimes i feel like i've broken through and i'm free and i could dig
into eternity into eternity riding the wave and realm of the E. sometimes
it's useless. here i am struggling and filled with dread-afraid that i'll
never squeeze enough graphite from my damaged cranium to inspire or
useless - sem utilidade
trust - confiar em
through - através
together - juntos
therefore - assim sendo
struggling - lutando
statue - estátua
sometimes - as vezes
sculpture - escultura
round - volta
ritual - ritual
right - certo
stiff - rígido
result - resultado
remains - permanece
relax - relaxar
rebellion - rebelião
power - poder
speeding - acelerando
playing - jogando
solitary - solitário
peeking - espreitar
would - seria
nobody - ninguém
swagger - arrogância
nobility - nobreza
crazy - louco
grazing - pastagem
cranium - crânio
greeks - gregos
solely - unicamente
could - poderia
damaged - estragado
continue - continuar
bouncer - bouncer
cocaine - cocaína
brown - castanho
mountain - montanha
laughing - rindo
never - nunca
broken - partido
afraid - receoso
eternity - eternidade
hollow - oco
completely - completamente
foresight - previsão
asphyxiate - asfixiar
stage - etapa
squeeze - aperto
realm - reino
himself - ele mesmo
around - por aí
ahead - adiante
alexander - alexander
anything - qualquer coisa
forever - para sempre
artist - artista
riding - equitação
filled - preenchidas
graphite - grafite
dread - temerar
radiating - irradiando
enough - suficiente
maintain - manter
everything - tudo
hungry - com fome
black - preto
about - sobre
finished - acabado
guitar - violão
intoxicated - intoxicado
inspire - inspirar
jutting - jutting
nothing - nada
across - através
kneeling - ajoelhando-se
lapping - lamber
ascending - ascendente
colonial - colonial
inside - dentro
laugh - rir
magnetism - magnetismo
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