Evening brings the close of day,

Skies of blue begin to grey,

Crimson hues are fading in the west.

Evening ever brings to me

Dreams of days that used to be,

Memories of those I love the best.

When shadows fall

And trees whisper: 'Day is ending',

yearning - anseio
those - essa
stars - estrelas
crickets - grilos
evening - tarde
thoughts - pensamentos
sweet - doce
covers - cobre
forever - para sempre
fading - desbotando
close - fechar
crimson - carmesim
whisper - sussurro
brings - traz
though - apesar
fortune - fortuna
dreams - sonhos
heart - coração
hills - colinas
begin - início
memories - recordações
night - noite
conceal - esconder
peeping - espiando
trees - árvores
returning - retornando
forsake - abandone
setting - configuração
shadows - sombras
skies - céus

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