Hear me, women and wives

Hear me, husband and lovers

What we do with our lives

Seems to matter to others

Some of them may follow

Roads that we run down

Chasing tomorrow

Many choices to make

Many chains to unravel

Every path that we take

unravel - desvendar
tears - lágrimas
teach - ensinar
roads - estradas
ready - pronto
choices - escolhas
follow - segue
future - futuro
women - mulheres
seems - parece
children - crianças
ground - chão
harder - mais difíceis
mothers - mães
turned - virou
every - cada
chasing - perseguindo
borrow - pedir emprestado
brothers - irmãos
husband - marido
lives - vidas
chains - correntes
sorrow - tristeza
laughter - riso
travel - viagem
looking - olhando
lovers - amantes
comes - vem
makes - faz com que
tomorrow - amanhã
matter - importam
wives - esposas
around - por aí
others - outras

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