There must be some kind of way out of here

Said the joker to the thief

Theres too much confusion

I can't get no relief

Businessman they drink my wine

Plow men dig my earth

None will level on the line

Nobody of it is worth

Hey hey

No reason to get excited

The thief he kindly spoke

There are many here among us

Who feel that life is but a joke but uh

But you and I weve been through that

worth - que vale a pena
women - mulheres
while - enquanto
through - através
there - há
servants - funcionários
relief - alívio
outside - lado de fora
riders - cavaleiros
distance - distância
businessman - homem de negocios
princes - príncipes
beware - tenha cuidado
confusion - confusão
theres - há
kindly - gentilmente
among - entre
watch - assistir
dylan - dylan
drink - beber
hours - horas
along - ao longo
gotta - tenho que
began - começasse
earth - Terra
excited - animado
falsely - falsamente
getting - obtendo
around - por aí
growl - rosnar
watchtower - torre de vigia
spoke - falou
reason - razão
joker - palhaço
level - nível
thief - ladrao
nobody - ninguém
originally - originalmente

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