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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Starships (Nicki Minaj cover) - Pentatonix

Starships (Nicki Minaj cover) - Pentatonix

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

PTX Productions, baby!

Ah! Yeah! Come on, Mitch

Let's Go!

Let's go to the beach, each

Let's go get away

They say, what they gonna say?

Have a drink, clink, found the bud light

Bad Mitches like me, is hard to come by

The patron own, let's go get it on

The zone own, yes, I'm in the zone

Is it two, three? Leave a good tip

I'ma blow off my money and don't give two shits

I'm on the floor, floor

I love to dance

So give me more, more, 'till I can't stand

Get on the floor, floor

Like it's your last chance

If you want more, more

Then here I am

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up, and touch the sky

Can't stop, 'cause we're so high

Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly

Hands up, and touch the sky

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