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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música The Baddest Girl - Pentatonix

The Baddest Girl - Pentatonix

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Do you really love me?

Do you really care?

Do you really want me?

Do you really.. at least pretend to love me girl,

I don't care if that love is real.

They say you're the baddest girl around,

you take your men and then you shoot them down.

They tell me to get out while I can 'cause she ain't good

for your man so I listened, and ran.

But your body's got me thinking twice,

your reputation do not matter with those eyes.

Don't care if you lying from the start,

j-just take my heart and break it.


Cause I am ready for you, take me on a ride.

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