Broke into her house, saw her sitting there

Drinking coke and whiskey in her bra and underwear

Saw him in the kitchen, hanging up the phone

I asked him nicely once to pack his things and go

He gave her a reassuring look, said he wouldn't leave

But I asked him one more time, this time pulled out my shiv

Stuck him in the back, and I pulled it out slow

And I watched him fall down, and as the morning sun rose

He looked at me, he said:

"You missed my heart, you missed my heart

You got me good; I knew you would

But you missed my heart, you missed my heart"

Were his last words before he died

Looking out the window, up at the blue sky

Listening to her scream, listening to her cry

A feeling of relief came over my soul

I couldn't take it any longer, and I lost control

I chased her up the stairs and I pinned her to the ground

And underneath her whimpering, I could hear the sirens sound

I rattled off a list of all the things I miss

Like going to the movies with her and the way she kissed me

wrist - pulso
words - palavras
whiskey - uísque
while - enquanto
where - onde
wheeling - rodando
window - janela
watching - assistindo
longer - mais longo
listening - ouvindo
leave - sair
chased - perseguido
dream - sonhe
house - casa
hanging - suspensão
guard - guarda
friends - amigos
looked - olhou
draining - drenagem
policemen - policiais
fields - campos
laying - deitado
going - indo
failed - falhou
kissed - beijou
clenched - cerrado
looking - olhando
laughing - rindo
flowing - fluindo
lifeblood - sangue vital
rattled - chacoalhou
bullheaded - cabeça-dura
sirens - sirenes
ground - chão
graveyard - cemitério
broke - quebrou
control - ao controle
scene - cena
fishing - pescaria
showing - mostrando
could - poderia
barbecues - churrasqueiras
million - milhão
dollar - dólar
backyard - quintal
downriver -
started - começado
before - antes
things - coisas
pulled - puxado
there - há
heart - coração
phone - telefone
reunions - reunions
underneath - por baixo
dragged - arrastada
downtown - centro da cidade
kitchen - cozinha
everything - tudo
gurney - gurney
whimpering - choramingando
river - rio
beams - feixes
drinking - bebendo
asked - perguntei
driving - dirigindo
infirmary - enfermaria
feeling - sentindo-me
loose - solto
missed - perdido
sitting - sentado
morning - manhã
moundsville - moundsville
scream - grito
shins - caneleiras
cracked - rachado
nicely - agradável
racing - competindo
night - noite
skull - crânio
childhood - infância
something - alguma coisa
parking - estacionamento
would - seria
reassuring - tranquilizador
poetic - poético
watched - assisti
strapped - amarrado
pinned - fixado
priest - sacerdote
sound - som
prison - prisão
movies - filmes
quite - bastante
really - realmente
stairs - escadas
reeds - juncos
relief - alívio
running - corrida
rites - ritos

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