Anjuli Star,


this dedicated to everybody who lost somebody important in their life, dont worry their in a better place now.

[Anjuli Stars]

I fear not what the future holds

But more what the future unfolds

Cus I'm dying each time that I breathe in life without you (yeah)

Every hour solemn I need you

Undevoured I'm falling now what can I do

There's so much to give

If only I had my hands to fix what you did

So I hold it inside watch as it dies

I can't even look at the sky its burning my eyes

Similar to cigarette smoke I wish I could float far away from here



I hope one day that this pain stops (no no)


I hope one day that this pain stops

Washing me away

Washing me away

Washing me away

Washing me away


I miss you dad

Still dealing with my the death of my father

words - palavras
unfolds - развертывается
without - sem
think - pensar
victory - vitória
things - coisas
theres - há
their - deles
thank - obrigado
stops - pára
still - ainda
stars - estrelas
somebody - alguém
solemn - solene
smoke - fumaça
similar - semelhante
right - certo
smiling - sorridente
eddie - eddie
cigarette - cigarro
everybody - todo mundo
dedicated - dedicada
courage - coragem
father - pai
could - poderia
breathe - respirar
advantage - vantagem
chorus - coro
reason - razão
wrong - errado
burning - queimando
everything - tudo
every - cada
alright - bem
place - lugar, colocar
about - sobre
beautiful - bonita
chance - chance
happens - acontece
worry - preocupação
track - pista
death - morte
whats - o que é
breathin - respiração
float - flutuador
better - melhor
raindrops - pingos de chuva
dying - morrendo
thats - isso é
brother - irmão
holds - detém
matter - importam
dealing - lidando
friend - amigos
apply - aplique
blessing - bênção
strong - forte
falling - queda
fears - medos
important - importante
feels - sente
welcome - bem vinda
future - futuro
watch - assistir
something - alguma coisa
inside - dentro
hands - mãos
ironic - irônico
tears - lágrimas
looking - olhando
maria - maria
pitbull - pitbull
washing - lavando
problem - problema
proud - orgulhoso

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