While standing at the junction on 42nd Street

I idly kick a pebble lying near my feet

I hear a weird noise, take a look up and down

The cause of the commotion is right there on the ground

Imagine my surprise, thought I'd left it at home

but there's no doubt about it, it's my own tombstone

I went into a shop, and bought a loaf of bread

while - enquanto
tried - tentou
thought - pensamento
surprise - surpresa
standing - parado
there - há
sitting - sentado
right - certo
pebble - seixo
noise - barulho
marble - mármore
doubt - dúvida
commotion - comoção
stretch - esticam
imagine - imagine
teeth - dentes
cause - causa
looks - parece
weird - esquisito
movie - filme
awful - horrível
street - rua
lying - deitado
blocking - bloqueando
mouth - boca
clearly - claramente
tombstone - lápide
staring - encarando
something - alguma coisa
ground - chão
bread - pão
could - poderia
bought - comprou
finally - finalmente
junction - junção
screams - gritos
dentist - dentista
dashed - tracejadas
empty - vazio
about - sobre
engraved - gravado
insane - insano
lights - luzes

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