One million bottlebags count 'em

Think they can bounce the ounce

And it get 'em

Yo black spend 288 million

Sittin' there waitin' for the fizz

And don't know what the fuck it is

An oh lemme tell you 'bout shorty

He about seventeen lookin' like 40

Treats his 40 dog better than his g

When he gets a big b-o-t-t-l-e

Oh he loves tha liquor

But look watch shorty get sicker

Year after year

While he's thinkin' it's beer

But it's not but he got it in his gut

So what the fuck

Yo niga what's up

Now he's hostile to a brother lookin' out

But I ain't mad I know what he about

He's just a slave to the bottle and the can

'Cause that's his man

The malt liquor man

One million bags count 'em all

Other man gets happy

Watch the killas drink 8 ball

Don't know a damn thing

But his breath stinkin'

Then I ask a question you brother

What the fuck is you drinkin'

white - branco
while - enquanto
treats - trata
without - sem
think - pensar
thing - coisa
spend - gastar
sucker - otário
slaves - escravos
shorty - baixinha
seventeen - dezessete
serve - servir
could - poderia
still - ainda
neighborhood - vizinhança
water - agua
stores - lojas
change - mudança
already - já
bullshit - besteira
brain - cérebro
broke - quebrou
brothers - irmãos
another - outro
genocide - genocídio
dollar - dólar
slave - escravo
better - melhor
crazy - louco
begin - início
lemme - Lemme
around - por aí
sicker - mais doente
million - milhão
bounce - pulo
designed - projetado
times - vezes
beside - ao lado
happy - feliz
brother - irmão
brains - cérebro
count - contagem
bottle - garrafa
drink - beber
remember - lembrar
understand - compreendo
breath - respiração
fight - luta
rearranged - rearranjado
fucked - fodido
homeboy - homeboy
watch - assistir
inside - dentro
after - depois de
hostile - hostil
label - rótulo
liquor - licor
loves - o amor é
black - preto
about - sobre
other - de outros
eddie - eddie
ounce - onça
table - mesa
poison - poção
reorder - reordenar
there - há
question - questão

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