Another hungry look, In her eyes again.

Pacing the floor, The hunt begins.

Skin-tight leather provides my pleasure.

Wake my fear, surge with the pressure.

Walk away and leave forever,

do I dare?

Raise my eyes, she stands.

Holding out healing hands...

are you happy now?

I walk the Thin Line for you.

Do just what you say to,

With fear as my friend,

speak - falar
screams - gritos
provides - fornece
pretending - fingindo
pressure - pressão
stands - fica
stage - etapa
pleasure - prazer
mouth - boca
entry - entrada
crawl - rastejar
surge - aumento
pacing - ritmo
bleed - sangrar
again - novamente
begins - começa
addictive - viciante
divine - divino
barely - mal
another - outro
leave - sair
forever - para sempre
friend - amigos
vision - visão
holding - segurando
leather - couro
raise - levantar
hands - mãos
floor - chão
happy - feliz
tight - justa
forbidden - proibido
healing - cura
heard - ouviu
hungry - com fome
intervention - intervenção

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