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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Hole In My Head (feat. Justin Timberlake) - Rihanna

Hole In My Head (feat. Justin Timberlake) - Rihanna

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

You got a hole in your head

You got a hole in your head girl

You got a hole in your head

You got a hole in your head girl

You got a hole in your head

You got a hole in your head girl

No use, your lips keep moving

But I got a couple screws loose

Them other boys talkin' about me

They say I'm bad news, and

Probably best for you to keep this short

It's my time to interupt,

It's time to start me up

I don't think you wanna do that right now

And not with me, don't start with me I got a gun on me

I don't think you really wanna run your mouth

I gotta feeling, I'll burn it down, I'll burn you down

All over your radio, see me in the stadium

I'll spin your body,

Let these ladies know

Don't bring this hoe around me

Don't push my buttons

You don't really wanna see me get wild

Wanna see me get wild

I got a hole in my head

A hole in my head

Sometimes I get crazy and

I ain't scared of nobody

Don't look at me funny

Like you ain't hear what I said

I gotta hole in my head

Ay ay ay I gotta hole in my head

Ay ay ay I gotta hole in my head

Don't look at me funny

Like you ain't hear what I said

Ay ay ay I gotta hole in my head

Buckle up, I ride this like a fast car

Suck it up, don't even try to act hard

And you can try to run But you won't get very far

And you can try to hide but I know where you are

Let loose, I see right through you,

you got a hole in your head too

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