Every day I'm awake
I've been thinking about you
And I can't get you over my mind
You're the girl of my dreams
The mother of my children
I'm as proud as any man can be alive
As the wind blows heavy down the mountain side
And the darkness of night closes in
As I lie in my bed
I can hear your heart pounding
Far away in another country
Far away in another country
And I dream of the day
We'll be packing up and leaving
This God-forsaken corner of the world
All the boys getting taller?
until - até
thinking - pensando
tummy - barriga
these - estes
there - há
taller - mais alto
swear - jurar
sunny - ensolarado
sleep - dormir
darkness - trevas
lying - deitado
alive - vivo
children - crianças
broader - mais amplo
again - novamente
still - ainda
country - país
touch - tocar
mother - mãe
pounding - batendo
shining - brilhando
springtime - primavera
about - sobre
closes - fecha
through - através
dreams - sonhos
between - entre
packing - embalagem
world - mundo
dream - sonhe
bless - abençoe
getting - obtendo
leaving - deixando
middle - meio
aching - doendo
mountain - montanha
colour - cor
calling - ligando
corner - canto
another - outro
bright - brilhante
awake - acordado
fight - luta
forsaken - abandonado
friends - amigos
heavy - pesado
reach - alcance
hello - Olá
journey - viagem
kindred - parentes
every - cada
coming - chegando
blows - golpes
moonlight - luar
night - noite
heart - coração
proud - orgulhoso
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