At last the crimson chord cascade

To shower dry cordials within

Too late to leap the chocolate gate

Pale fountains fizzing forth pink gin

While destiny begins to fly

The farmyard chorus sings its wake

Upstanding anthem sings its wake

Too soon to realise their fate

within - dentro
thought - pensamento
their - deles
sings - canta
while - enquanto
shower - chuveiro
should - devemos
sharp - afiado
rover - rover
realise - perceber
reaction - reação
please - por favor
october - outubro
claret - claret
chorus - coro
chord - acorde
crimson - carmesim
chocolate - chocolate
watch - assistir
think - pensar
cascade - cascata
begins - começa
never - nunca
cordials - cordiais
upstanding - errado
forth - adiante
above - acima
another - outro
someone - alguém
needed - necessário
anthem - hino
fountains - fontes
around - por aí
raven - raven
destiny - destino
farmyard - quintal
drink - beber
fizzing - efervescente
farewell - despedida
found - encontrado

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