Took a walk with you
In the shadow of my shoes
Danced around the broken blues
In the dirty summer rain
Moonlight on the cars
Parked in single file at bars
With a thick and rosy smoke
Waving its busted hand
Bringing you down, can't bring you down
Bring you down, can't bring you down
Bring you down, can't hear the sound
yellow - amarelo
through - através
smoke - fumaça
shoes - sapatos
waving - acenando
sound - som
danced - dançou
busted - quebrado
canoe - canoa
cheer - torcer
straightened - endireitou
blues - blues
around - por aí
single - solteiro
place - lugar, colocar
broken - partido
hollywood - hollywood
bringing - trazendo
moonlight - luar
pretty - bonita
summer - verão
bring - trazer
dirty - sujo
called - chamado
landlord - senhorio
thick - grosso
parked - estacionado
lease - de concessão
little - pequeno
police - polícia
river - rio
shadow - sombra
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