Dear Chicago,

You'll never guess.

You know the girl you said I'd meet someday?

Well, I've got something to confess.

She picked me up on Friday.

Asked me if she reminded me of you.

I just laughed and lit a cigarette,

Said "that's impossible to do."

My life's gotten simple since.

And it fluctuates so much.

Happy and sad and back again.

I'm not crying out to much.

there - há
smiles - sorrisos
simple - simples
reminded - lembrou
picked - escolhido
these - estes
never - nunca
thinking - pensando
moves - se move
lying - deitado
confess - confessar
feeling - sentindo-me
going - indo
those - essa
cigarette - cigarro
thought - pensamento
breathes - respira
suicide - suicídio
strange - estranho
happy - feliz
about - sobre
almost - quase
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
alone - sozinho
blankets - cobertores
crying - chorando
sorry - desculpa
someday - algum dia
impossible - impossível
wasted - desperdiçado
every - cada
still - ainda
again - novamente
fallen - caído
asked - perguntei
fluctuates - flutua
thing - coisa
miles - milhas
chicago - chicago
friday - sexta-feira
since - desde a
gotten - obtido
nothing - nada
guess - acho
laughed - riu

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