(En)Chained To A Shadow Of The Past

He Walks The Path Of Life

Following The Same Quest, Like A Ghost Silly Lover,

Silly Romance, Now Pathetic!

Constant, Permanent Disenchantment

She Will Be Called Moonskin

And She Will Have The Beauty Of The Marble

Hair Dancing Like Flames

Around Her Snow-While Shape

(En)Chained To The Venus Spell

He Left The Reason Behind

while - enquanto
walks - anda em
venus - Vênus
forcing - forçando
fades - desaparece
following - segue
again - novamente
pathetic - patético
floating - flutuando
bottom - inferior
flames - chamas
behind - atrás
falling - queda
chained - acorrentado
dying - morrendo
shadow - sombra
timeless - eterno
disenchantment - desencanto
silly - boba
dancing - dançando
beauty - beleza
called - chamado
garden - jardim
story - história
cross - cruz
which - qual
constant - constante
milky - leitoso
bright - brilhante
around - por aí
carrying - carregando
lover - amante
ghost - fantasma
going - indo
illusion - ilusão
round - volta
marble - mármore
shake - mexe
night - noite
passage - passagem
another - outro
place - lugar, colocar
permanent - permanente
quest - busca
reason - razão
romance - Romance
shape - forma
spell - soletrar
sphere - esfera
steal - roubar
stream - corrente

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