Red, it is time for action

Time for us to play our part

If we unite what's divided

We tighten the social knot

Now is the moment to destroy

All that tears us apart

Not all the problems can be solved

With a gunshot

Union, the path of globality

Reason, the crown of humanity

Red planet, red sky

This world ends in a blast

Red planet, red sky

We're one people at last, at last

Finally we found a way

To resolve the argument around which we revolve

Our global quest for harmony

Is the pinnacle of our society

world - mundo
which - qual
whatever - tanto faz
wanted - procurado
unite - unir
union - união
under - sob
destroy - destruir
harmony - harmonia
other - de outros
currently - atualmente
trust - confiar em
elite - elite
crown - coroa
around - por aí
finally - finalmente
blast - explosão
borders - fronteiras
people - pessoas
argument - argumento
apart - separados
better - melhor
enlist - alista
divided - dividido
become - tornar-se
global - global
blessed - abençoado
revolve - giram
attributed - atribuído
resolve - resolver
action - açao
quest - busca
gunshot - tiro
inherit - herdar
cursed - amaldiçoado
pinnacle - pináculo
planet - planeta
certainly - certamente
humanity - humanidade
right - certo
resist - resistir
pride - orgulho
found - encontrado
tears - lágrimas
society - sociedade
privileges - privilégios
social - social
problems - problemas
reason - razão
solved - resolvido
there - há
moment - momento
tighten - apertar
together - juntos

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