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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Naughty Girls (Need Love Too) - Samantha Fox

Naughty Girls (Need Love Too) - Samantha Fox

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Maybe, just maybe

Naughty girls need love too

I've been told time and time again

That you can't treat love like a game

But I play rough with hearts that never mend

'Cause some guys like you do the same

Love was just a four-letter word

Never heard, how absurd, how could it be

But now I can't believe this is real

How I feel, now you steal my heart away from me

Used to be so good and so bad

Sex was something I just had

Used to always know what to do

Now you've got me confused

Baby don't let me be misunderstood

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