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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Hourglass - Set It Off

Hourglass - Set It Off

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

When pretending lends a helping hand we hold it close, so close, and never let it go.

Then, the pen begins to write the story with an end that bends right out of our control.

How did we get so jaded? I dont know,

Was it the white lies feeding our egos?

I never valued minutes I burned through.

Is that just how it goes?

Seconds I wasted, I was fixated,

Youre devastated, sorry to say,

I cant fix it, is this where I give in?

Im falling through the hourglass,

And I dont think Ill ever make it back,

So I throw stones at walls Ill never climb,

Victim to the sands of time,

Falling through the hourglass,

The hourglass.

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