"Come on in, boy," said the skeletons sitting by her closet door
Dirty secrets, happy memories and broken hearts across the floor
I was knocked out, heels over head
So you dragged me by my feet to a ghost town, where you buried me
No wonder no one heard my screams
Love's so alive, but it died in it's sleep
And now that it's dead, I live in your head and I will haunt your fucking dreams
No one will love you like I did, will treat you like I did
So go on, wear that scarlet letter
No one will love you like I did, will touch you like I did
So good luck finding something better
Run away, boy, if you couldn't tell, baby's got a thirst for blood
where - onde
until - até
tripped - tropeçou
their - deles
system - sistema
subtle - sutil
stayed - fiquei
treat - tratar
spirals - espirais
lover - amante
floor - chão
thirst - sede
happy - feliz
perfect - perfeito
finding - encontrando
dirty - sujo
wonder - maravilha
better - melhor
every - cada
sleep - dormir
fucking - fodendo
chase - correr atrás
knocked - derrubado
breaking - quebra
closet - armário de roupa
enemy - inimigo
broken - partido
arrives - chega
haunt - assombro
alive - vivo
dragged - arrastada
screams - gritos
skeletons - esqueletos
across - através
follow - segue
blood - sangue
heels - calcanhares
bullets - balas
ghost - fantasma
buried - enterrado
catch - pegar
heard - ouviu
hearts - corações
letter - carta
memories - recordações
dreams - sonhos
craving - ânsia
little - pequeno
words - palavras
melodies - melodias
picture - cenário
poison - poção
watch - assistir
something - alguma coisa
scarlet - escarlate
secrets - segredos
sending - enviando
touch - tocar
sitting - sentado
someday - algum dia
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