Raise the chain

and trap their ships against the current and the walls

Pick off the traitors one by one

Our catapults rain down a vicious brew

that burns a deadly hue

Their blood shall stain the river's run

In flames this battle shall be won

Green fire burns this night

Islands of floating death on waters high

Setting men and ships alight

This horror raining down from smokey skies

witness - testemunha
waters - águas
waste - desperdício
victims - vítimas
vicious - vicioso
tonight - esta noite
those - essa
their - deles
walls - paredes
floating - flutuando
gates - portões
ships - navios
current - atual
forth - adiante
raise - levantar
across - através
deadly - mortal
reached - atingiu
burns - queima
shore - costa
chain - cadeia
battle - batalha
death - morte
bearing - tendo
below - abaixo
flames - chamas
beach - de praia
islands - ilhas
shines - brilha
against - contra
scorched - queimado
bright - brilhante
thrust - impulso
sword - espada
corpses - cadáveres
green - verde
braved - bravo
traitors - traidores
catapults - catapultas
raining - chovendo
claimed - reivindicado
blood - sangue
gorey - gorey
skies - céus
alight - acender
gruesome - horrível
riddled - riscado
halfman - meio homem
horror - horror
kingdom - reino
lighting - iluminação
ruined - arruinado
muddy - turvar
night - noite
setting - configuração
lives - vidas
shall - deve
stain - mancha
smokey - smokey

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