Towers of pride

Harren's hand over God's Eye

A testament to his Ironborn hubris

Touching the sky

Black fingers reaching high

No greater castle should ever rise

These halls of broken stone

Shall bleed your life and throne

The ghosts of Harrenhal

Now guard these cursed walls

where - onde
flying - vôo
guard - guarda
halls - salões
fingers - dedos
ghosts - fantasmas
downfall - queda
throne - trono
black - preto
cursed - amaldiçoado
ironborn - ironborn
stone - pedra
conquer - conquistar
hubris - arrogância
these - estes
descends - desce
bleed - sangrar
broken - partido
burning - queimando
castle - castelo
closing - fechando
harrenhal - arraial
nightfall - anoitecer
beware - tenha cuidado
haunted - assombrada
hillside - encosta
inside - dentro
dragon - dragão
lords - senhores
telling - dizendo
bring - trazer
pride - orgulho
reaching - alcançando
remained - permaneceu
secrets - segredos
greater - maior
shall - deve
testament - testamento
should - devemos
whisper - sussurro
touching - tocando
surely - certamente
defend - defender
blinds - persianas
tales - contos
demise - morte
towers - torres
walls - paredes

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