Imprisoned for so long

I forgot the light of day

Until the man in black came for me

He said he wanted me for the wall

I gladly agreed

To save my life and be free

So now I will take the black

For my freedom and honor

I shall give my life

Brothers now join in this watch

We will walk on the Wall

for the rest of our lives

I'll be one of the brave and few

Speak this oath by old gods and new

By the walls of Castle Black

I swear to raise my sword

watchers - observadores
wanted - procurado
walls - paredes
until - até
sword - espada
swear - jurar
stench - fedor
stands - fica
tonight - esta noite
speak - falar
father - pai
pledge - juramento
death - morte
wakes - acorda
noise - barulho
darkness - trevas
against - contra
brings - traz
distant - distante
burns - queima
colder - mais frio
children - crianças
glory - glória
imprisoned - preso
westeros - westeros
castle - castelo
begins - começa
lands - terras
watch - assistir
something - alguma coisa
defend - defender
agreed - acordado
guards - guardas
forgot - esqueceu
black - preto
brave - bravo
breeze - brisa
shuffling - arrastando
keepers - guardiões
freedom - liberdade
watcher - observador
light - luz
gladly - com prazer
brothers - irmãos
honor - honra
gathers - se reúne
night - noite
nights - noites
behind - atrás
raise - levantar
ravens - corvos
realms - reinos
coming - chegando
sleepers - travessas
lives - vidas
shall - deve
shield - escudo
crowns - coroas
silently - silenciosamente
smell - cheiro

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