Pay attention my love cause its over
At the tip of my tongue is the price you weren't willing to pay
Still this is something akin to a breakdown
And your impression of a woman supposed to be easy to see
That there'd be torn up photos and lonely nights
Cursing crying and drawn out fights
Make up sex and a brand new start
Broken promises for broken hearts
When you look back now was it special?
Or was it nothing but anecdote that you can tell now and then
would - seria
willing - disposto
start - começar
something - alguma coisa
promises - promessas
could - poderia
cursing - maldição
breakdown - demolir
wanna - quero
broken - partido
anecdote - anedota
still - ainda
beginning - começando
photos - fotos
attention - atenção
crying - chorando
cause - causa
brand - marca
worth - que vale a pena
delude - iludir
price - preço
exactly - exatamente
though - apesar
special - especial
lonely - solitário
fights - lutas
myself - eu mesmo
drawn - desenhado
hearts - corações
woman - Mulher
tongue - língua
nothing - nada
impression - impressão
supposed - suposto
nights - noites
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